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Andromeda Galaxy

Hello again,

I would like to show you now, what I did last summer.

It is my very first deep sky picture. As an object I choose an Andromeda galaxy (M31, or NGC 224) whitch is easy to find and nice and bright. I used free expositures of 8 minutes, without pointing in the primar teleskope view.
All the set up is my good old Skywatcher 750/150 newtonian teleskope with a Nikon D7000 on a HEQ5 mount. I still suffer from missing off-axis guider whitch I need for mount correction (aka pointing).

And I would like to continue with a small habbit I used to do with my entries. A poetry. This one is from pre-war writer William Carlos Williams and is called Peace on Earth:

The Archer is wake!
The Swan is flying!
Gold against blue
An Arrow is lying.
There is hunting in heaven--
Sleep safe till to-morrow.

The Bears are abroad!
The Eagle is screaming!
Gold against blue
Their eyes are gleaming!
Sleep safe till to-morrow.

The Sisters lie
With their arms intertwining;
Gold against blue
Their hair is shining!
The Serpent writhes!
Orion is listening!
Gold against blue
His sword is glistening!
There is hunting in heaven--
Sleep safe till to-morrow.


Moon 3.3. 2012

Long time no see, but here I am now, and I want to show you some nice pictures I've been doing this summer. I'll start from the start. March 2012.

I'll start with a moon (yes again [3.3.2012]).
Moon is really good object for astrophotography, because you can learl all kind of things. Expositure, focusing, post-procesing. And the final product is beautiful. I can stare at the moon looong hours.
Skywatcher 750/150 + Celestron CCD nexImage + Lynkeos + Photoshop


Transit of Venus 2012 - Slovakia

Hello, hello,

so, have you seen it? We have. Transit of Venus. None of living people will see it again. And what is the best thing? That amastsee recored it. Ou yeah :)
Video of the last few seconds of tranzit is at my youtube. It has speed 400x of normal.

And some pictures of our siteseeing.

I am not on them but whatever. As you can see, we are at Slavín in Bratislava. There was more people then I expected but that was fajn. Some of them wanted to look, so we let them ;).
And these are pictures through the teleskope (Skywatcher 750/150+ Celestron NexImage camera)


Moon 16. nov 2011, 0200 GTM+1

Moon captured from my backyard. I used Newtonian teleskope 150/750 with Celestron NextImage CCD camera. This is a collage of 10 photos.



First time ever I tried to film sunspots. So this is my attempt. It is taken through newton 150/750 with CCD camera Celestron. I hope you like it..

You can see this and many of my videos on my youtube account


Dlho sme sa nepočuli...

A tak som sa rozhodol tak trošku retro spektívne poposielať fotografie, ktoré sme spravili, ale nepoustli sem. Kto nás sleduje aj na flickr tak ich už pozná. Pre Vás ostatných, nech sa páči.

 Fotografie prechodu ISS ako sme ich robili počas jedného preletu 16.8.2011. Neskôr (o asi 96 minút) sme ju videli ešte raz a aj sme ju odfotili. Nech sa páči...
 Ani pri jednej sme nepoužili barn door montáž, nakoľko je príliš slabá na udržanie fotoaparátu...

 Dva startrail-y 3.9 2011 fotené z lesa pri Limbachu. Prvý je 10 minútová expozícia, druhá je 30 minútová. Druhú som však musel postprocesovať, aby som dostiahol približne čiernu.

 Na koniec, by som Vám chcel ukázať video, ktoré som spravil prostredníctvom teleskopu a CCD kamery. Ide o krásnu dvojhviezdu Albireo v súhvezdí Cygnus (Ľabuť).